
zaFUNDuj sobie przyszłość – program płatnych praktyk MFiPR #wspólna2_4

Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej serdecznie zaprasza do udziału w nowym programie płatnych praktyk „ZaFUNDuj sobie przyszłość”. Proponuje 18 atrakcyjnych, jeszcze „świeżych” ofert praktyk. Czym jest nowy program praktyk, czyli kilka słów o… program płatnych praktyk trwa od 1 do 3 miesięcy, w ramach umowy zlecenia – 2500 zł brutto za miesiąc skierowany jest do studentów, którzy nie ukończyli 26

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World of audit – interships in KPMG

First steps on the labour market can be difficult. And if make things easier for yourself… Whether you’re still in college or you already have your first professional experience behind you or just looking for your first intrenship – learn about the methods of auditing financial statements and draw knowledge from KPMG experts! Take part in a professional training

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Orange Summer Internship Programme

#ElectronicPower #Masterchip #WiFiRobot – sounds intriguing? That’s the offer we made for you in the Let’s Orange summer internship program. Every year we invite more than 40 students to cooperate in a different team – cyber security, digital, artificial intelligence and many others. This year, one of our practices will also take place in Wrocław 🙂 If you care about

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Employers’ Catalogue 2020

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the electronic version of the Employers’ Catalogue 2020. The catalogue contains information about companies that actively recruit students from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. In our publication students can find information about possible internships and job offers. Have a good read! The paper version will be available in the Career Office

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