i.LECO Sp. z o.o.

i.LECO Sp. z o.o. 2075 wyświetleń


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i.LECO Sp. z o.o.

i.LECO Sp. z o.o.

O nas


i.LECO is a young, international and driven team with a rich historical experience of completed and value-adding complex smart energy projects and products.
As a team of experts working in the business for many years, we are busy building advanced solutions for a more sustainable world. We work with both B2C and B2B customers to cut CO2 emissions, and enable smooth integration of innovative technologies like energy storage and electric vehicles in existing properties.

i.LECO was founded in Q1-2019, with the goal to enable and speed up the needed green energy transition by means of innovative software and with a final focus on the future expected network structure of “local energy communities”.

i.LECO proceeds on the legal and operational experience from a Belgian company founded by Adriaan Brebels (Porta Capena NV – name changed to i.LECO NV on 29/3/19) with development resources and operational support in Poland and having created the product EcoSCADA. This product (link to i.LECO product => “building energy management) has been developed over a period of 10 years with a true customer improvement methodology and delivering real economical value currently in more than 5000 buildings in the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Slovakia. The savings brought by means of the software can range from a couple of % up to 35% cost reductions with various levels of energy analytics services.

i.LECO combines above strong platform and customer set with one of the other new co-founder’s experience from his previous high-tech smart-grid energy software company he started in 2013. Stefan Lodeweyckx made a deal with Enervalis after the board’s strategic redirection of Enervalis (https://www.enervalis.com/2019/03/30/enervalis-spins-out-i-leco/) to be able to pursue the initial broader mission of Enervalis.

Stefan is the new CEO of i.LECO and brings with him a wealth of experience in various advanced smart grid energy services and customers (ref the main Enervalis site and news flashes for some examples) and now can build upon the strong and existing platform EcoSCADA with its elaborate data-set and bring a next level of advanced energy services to the existing and new customers. More value and full future energy system-readiness is the result i.LECO gives as a proposition, which truly differentiates it from other pure monitoring and/or energy analytics companies.

Wendy Adriaens completes the founding team. She started as a HR & operations manager. Nowadays, she works no longer for i.LECO operationally. However, she is still a member of the board of directors.

Our team making this happen consist of multiple people with a long and outstanding track record on various software disciplines, IoT, telecom, big-data, AI, blockchain etc. We have a small core team in Belgium of 8 passionate people. Together with our teams in Poland, Russia & Pakistan we make the energy magic happen.