OLYMPUS Business Services sp. z o.o.

OLYMPUS Business Services sp. z o.o. 1915 wyświetleń


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OLYMPUS Business Services sp. z o.o.

OLYMPUS Business Services sp. z o.o.

O nas

Olympus is a worldwide leading manufacturer of optical and digital precision technology, provides innovative solutions for state-of-the-art medical systems, digital cameras and scientific solutions. The company’s award-winning products are instrumental in detecting, preventing and healing illness, driving scientific research and documenting life with artistic freedom. In the hands of its customers, Olympus’ high-tech products help to make people’s lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling.

Olympus Business Services Sp. z o.o. was founded in Wroclaw in July 2018. The newly created Business Center is designed to provide high-quality services to its Olympus EMEA partners in the areas of Finance, Supply Chain Management, Sales Support and HR.

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