ZPR Project

Career Services of Wrocław University of Science and Technology conducts meetings within the project “ZPR PWr – Integrated Development Program of Wrocław University of Science and Technology”  no. POWR.03.05.00-00-Z301/17, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Operational Program Knowledge, Education and Development, Priority III: Higher education for the economy and development, Action 3.5. Comprehensive university programs 


Who can benefit from the project? 

  • full time students of the first and second cycle studies at Wrocław University of Science and Technology who have a maximum of 4 semesters until the end of their education. 


Within the project you can: 

  • benefit from career counseling and trainings, 
  • take part in business workshops. 


We invite you for individual consultations by making an appointment with a career adviser here. 

Terms of trainings will be posted on our website in the Events tab. 


More information about the project can be found at: http://zpr.pwr.edu.pl/ 


Sign up for a meeting with a career adviser or for a training!!!